Monday, October 30, 2006

Video Games as Art

This article puts a new perspective on the interactive graphical narratives we call video games.

Gratuitous use of interactive fluid dynamics

It's a Mac application for burning disks. They've really taken the metaphor to an extreme. I like it.


I noticed this pattern on my Facebook page today:

The length of each network name is correlated with how many friends I have in that particular network.

Google Base Local

Have you ever wanted to use Froogle, not just to find the best price on goods, but the best price on goods near you? Well now you can.

Notice the little blue sliver at the bottom of the screen shot? That actually extends into a second search box and a group of site-navigation links. For some reason, I couldn't scroll down there; so, I used TAB.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

True Names in the wild!

Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, the guy behind Ruby of Ruby on Rails fame, referenced "True Names" in his talk about Ruby Design Principles.

The Presentation MP3

When he mentions True Names, he's on this slide.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Tower of Babel Translator

It's a translator that translates words as you subvocalize them (think Snake's communicator in Metal Gear Solid). Right now they have a Chinese to English translator as well as English to Spanish/German version.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Error displaying an error

Someone managed to invoke this self-referential error message on one of our "Experience Sampling" smart phones the other day.

The error message is telling us that the crashed "MyExperience" program was unable to display an error message due to an error with the error messaging system.

I guess this is how Microsoft gets around a Catch-22.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

About this site

Hi people,

This website is a content-aggregator, in web speak it's a "planet." If you give me the address to a feed from your blog, your blog's content will be displayed here. Alternatively, you can tell me where your blog is, and I'll try to find the feed. I can also display a profile pic next to your post if you provide it.

To get listed on this planet. you need to give me your
Feed URL: (or if you can't find that, your blog URL)
Avatar (attached in email, optional)

Send Email

About using this planet with Blogger:
If you upload your images to Blogger, they WILL NOT appear in this planet, since Blogger blocks outside sites from embedding their pictures. If you want your images to appear, I recommend linking your pics from your UW Dante account instead of hosting them on Blogger.

Here's an example of the Blogger problem. If the lower logo is still visible, press refresh and it should disappear.

Image linked from the internet:

Image uploaded on Blogger:

Friday, October 06, 2006

Steve Wozniak

I got my laptop signed by Steve Wozniak! The space on the left is reserved for Steve Jobs.