Friday, May 27, 2005

Will Wright's Spore

I just saw a video presentation from Will Wright on Spore on GDCTV. Spore is a game that takes you from growing a microrganism in promordial soup all the way to conquering galaxies. All the content is procedurally generated and new content is invisibly traded between players through the internet.

Monday, May 16, 2005


My mom gave me a case of beer when I was 18. I still haven't drunk any.

My parents tell me to take it easy at school and not worry about grades, but I still pull several all-nighters a month. Sometimes I wonder what motivates me.

My little brother already moved out of the house... well, to the guest house, but I still live at home.

When I talk with the older people in my class, late 20's to 30's, I feel like I'm talking to little kids.

My parents keep on telling me to get a girlfriend, but I always pull out the excuse that I'm too busy, even though the truth is that I'm irrationally shy. I'm in my last teenage year and I've never been on a date.